Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Forgotten Past

The Forgotten Past

Forgetting past, or should it be called fading away of past memories, is a wonderful gift of nature to mankind. It reduces the sour taste of bad experiences in life. On the other hand, God being creator has also given the gift of remembering follies of the past to analyse and avoid any misadventures in future.
Somehow, Pakistani nation has lost its capabilities of remembering the follies and is repeatedly going through same mistakes again and again.  It appears that this nation is not in habit of going through the statistics of past;  conversely, statistics of past are not available at one place for people to compare.
After some toiling efforts basic statistical data has been gathered and compiled, for common man to assist them in selecting their future leaders or should it be said future rulers. The data has been used to create graphs with colour coding to provide visual representation.  It demarcates four governments from 1995-2012. Due to absence of accurate and authentic data from a centralised place, it has been compiled from different sources and validated.  Therefore, the data though being authentic may lack fine precision. From this point onwards the article is without words for individuals to draw their own conclusion.

*Disbursement by / Payments to IMF (to be read in conjunction with Forex Reserves)

Note: The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries' official reserves. Its value is based on a basket of four key international currencies, and SDRs can be exchanged for freely usable currencies.
Under its Articles of Agreement (Article XV, Section 1, and Article XVIII), the IMF may allocate SDRs to member countries in proportion to their IMF quotas. Such an allocation provides each member with a costless, unconditional international reserve asset on which interest is neither earned nor paid. However, if a member's SDR holdings rise above its allocation, it earns interest on the excess. Conversely, if it holds fewer SDRs than allocated, it pays interest on the shortfall. The Articles of Agreement also allow for cancellations of SDRs, but this provision has never been used. The IMF cannot allocate SDRs to itself or to other prescribed holders.

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