Friday, July 29, 2016

Budget Review 2010

Pakistan if facing a budget deficit of 163497 Trilllion for which it has its begging bowl extended to IMF and banks.  How many times does a common man look into the figures of budget and analyses what is written in between the lines. Media talks about corruption, but is unable to pin point exactly where money is being bungled. People talk about kickbacks, but no one has been able to identify the real source where these concocted figures brewed.  Let’s take a look into some demands submitted by different government department for budget 2009-10.  No wonder Pakistan is progressing so fast on the ladder of corruption in Transparency International Ratings.

Liver Transplant Centre Project Shaikh Zayed Hospital has been allocated a grant of PKR65.25 billion.  An amount of 20 billion has already been spent in year 2008-09.  Construction of second floor on current Shaikh Zaid Hospital building has already consumed PKR218,8 billion and an amount of PKR300 billion has been allocated in 2009-2010. This means a total of PKR604 trillion has been allocated to civil works.  An A class construction costs not more than 2000-3000 per square foot. Giving margin of some imported fixture, even if double cost is considered equates to covered area of 100 million square feet. Indicated covered area can be constructed on a plot size of 3345 X 3345(yards) or 3.1X3.1 (km)

National Reconstruction Bureau under the head of good governance support has demanded an amount of PKR 5.8billion for purchase of transport this amount is equivalent to 1160 vehicles having price tag of PKR5 million each.  It also needs computer equipment worth PKR460 million equaling to 3067, HP top of the line laptops with 15” LCD, camera, biometric security, etc.

Following figures are eye openers and makes us think about efficiency, sincerity, patriotism of politicians and bureaucrats. These figures tell us as to how pubic money is looted and plundered in broad day light.  Figures given below are just a few examples.  These are mainly restricted to purchases and civil works; maintenance civil works, operational expense and HR cost are other than these amount.  Those interested in knowing further details may consult original document which is 1000 pages long. Another document comprising 2000 pages further enriches the knowledge about how justice is done to public exchequer.

Don’t miss the last portion. It has something which everyone has been looking for.

Construction of 36 Cat IV apartments for customs officers at kemari
Building and Structure
5 billion
If custom considers buying their officers 300 yards bungalow in defence they will save 4.6 billion
Construction of 50 Cat V flats for customs sepoys at kharadar
Building and Structure
6 billion in addition
They should buy one of the new buildings with 50 apartments covered area more than 1600 ft with lift generator and still they will be able to save 5.7 billion
Building of 18 H type quarters MM Qureshi Complex Karachi
Building and Structure
3 billion
They should consider buying 500 yards signature villa in defence and save 2.95 billion
Restructuring of Pakistan Institute of Trade and Development M/o Commerce Islamabad
PKR70 million
560 top of the line lap tops
Purchase of Transport
PKR200 million
Equal to 111 Honda Civics
Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project

Equal to 4800 top of the line laptop computers
Purchase of Transport041214-A095
Equal to 835 Honda Civics
Creation of Domestic Commerce Wing MoC
Computer Equipment
PKR718million in addition to 180million
Equal to 5744 top of the line laptops
Plant and Machinery
1.16billion in addition to last year 340 million
Fail to understand what plant and machinery is needed in office except for A/C and telephones.
Furniture and fixtures
1.5 billion in addition to 100 million last year
Equal to 12000 top of the line laptops
Exhibition Hall Lahore
Computer Equipment
1,5 billion
Equal to 12000 top of the line laptops
School of Fashion Design
Consultancy and Contractual Work
Are we making something better than Parish
Building and Structure
119 billion in addition to 62 billion last year
50 million sq ft of covered area
Purchase of Computer Equipment
5.5 billion
Equal to 44000 top of the line laptops/ server class machines
Purchase of transport
1 billion
Equal to 555 Honda Civics
Plant and Machinary
16.5 billion in addition to 2.5 billion last year
Purchase of furniture and fixtures
15 billion in addition to 3 billion last year

Enhancement of Training Capability of CMTI Phase IV Isb
Building and Structure
50 billion
8,333,333 sq ft of covered area just for enhancement of existing facility
Ministry of Culture
Subsidiary Services to Education
326 billion in addition ot 152 billion last year
Now we know where our educational funds are going. In cultural shows.
Civil Works
144 billion
24,000,000 sq ft of covered area
Establishment of NCC performing arts
Building and Structure
3 billion

Pak China Friendship center
Building and Structure
55 billion

Benazir Monument
General Expense
16 Billion
Conservation of Hiran Minar
Building and Structure
30 billion in addition to 10 billion last year
I guess we can construct more than one Hiran Minar in this amount.
Renovation of Iqbal Manzil
Building and Structure
14 billion
Allama Iqbal must be cursing the day he dreamt about Pakistan
Master plan for preservation, upgradation and rehabilitation of  Quaids birth place
Building and Structure
3 billion
Just for master plan.  Has anyone seen the size of Wazir Mansion.
Institutional Strengthening and efficiency enhacement of economic affairs div total 15.8 billion
Computers Purchase
342 million in addition to 834 billion last year
Project should be renamed Institutional Strengthening and corruption enhancement
Purchase of Transport
950 million in addition to 1.795 billion last year
Equal to 1575 Honda Civics
Furniture and fixtures
220 million in addition to 450 million last year
No comments. Some designer furniture maker must be having a good time
Establishment of Fed Govt Model School for girls PM staff colony Isb
Building and Structure
18 billion in addition to last year 10 billion
Lets hope that school furniture is as good and lavish as PM secretariat is.
Plant and Machinery
1.225 billion
Furniture and Fixture
1.8 billion
Establishment of Cadet College in Pasroor
Consultancy and Contractual work
3 billion
Do you think it will come up.
Purchase of Transport
10 billion
Each cadet will be issued with a Suzuki Mehran
Cadet College Jafarabad
5 billion in addition to 1 billion last year
Having institutions like PAF College, Aitcheson, Hasanabdal, Petaro and we still need consultants to plan a Cadet college in Jafarabad
Purchase of Transport
5 billion
Again cadets will be lucky to get one Suzuki mehran on kit book.
Civil Works
40 billion

Cadet College Noshki
Purchase of Transport
5 billion in addition to 5.57 billion last year
There are a couple of more cadet colleges planed in the budget
Civil Works
71 billion
There are a number of cadet colleges budget for 2010
Additional Transport Facilities in Fed College of Education H-9 Isb
Purchase of transport
9.865 billion
This is an excellent government which is planning to issue individual motorcycles to each college student. May be they consider mobile phone next year
Upgradation of Knowledge Resources of National Library of Pakistan
Purchase of Computer Equipment
2.250 billion last year
They can issue 90,000 atom notebooks in this amount
Furniture and Fixture
500 million in addition to 750 million last year
Probably the facility was not having any furniture in the past
Facilitation Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism for implementation of education Sector Reforms
Purchase of Computer Equipment
100 million in addition to 25 million last year
To monitor they need 2000 desktop computers.
Gifts and Entertainment
100 million
EXCUSE ME how does giving gifts and entertainment improve monitoring.  Column of entertainment and gifts with high numbers is in every sub-demand
Education for all provision for missing facilities to primary and elementary schools
Purchase of Transport
16.8 billion
Lucky students
Building and Construction
1.934 trillion Oops!!!

Capacity building of teaches (Quetta)
Purchase of transport
21.9 billion
Are they issuing them one Honda Civic each
Purchase of Computers
5.7 billion
225,000 Acer Atom notebooks will be issued to all the teachers attending the capacity building classes and one complimentary for their spouse.
Expansion of Customs Guest House H #43/B Lalazar Karachi
Building and Structure
31 billion
They should consider abandoning the idea as they can buy 125 houses of 500 yards in defence for their guests.
NAPHIS strengthening of quality and inspection services
Purchase of computer
700 million in addition to 215 million last year
They have decided to issue computers to inspection companies as well.  This way their capabilities will further enhance.
Purchase of transport
3 billion in addition to 3.2 billion last year
One Honda Accord each for CEOs and GMs of inspection companies
Purchase of plant and machinery
36.545 billion in addition to 54.39 billion last year
They must be planning to establish some high class nuclear lab.  A high end analytical lab cost between 0.5 -1 billion.
Establishment of Fed Program Mgt Unit
Purchase of transport
1.6 billion in addition to 1.318 billion last year
Crazy !!!
National Agricultural Land Use Plan
Purchase of Computer Eqt
1.5 billion in addition to 550 million last year

Purchase of Plant and Machine
1.5 billion in addition to 150 million last year

Furniture and fix
400 million in addition to 270 million last year

Improvement of Nutrition through primary health care
Purchase of transport
1.5 billion

Access to Justice Program
Computer Equipment
300 million in addition to 1.31 billion last year
We have wasted a loan of 350 million dollar in buying computers and accommodation for judges.  Yet 80% of the judges do not know how to operate computer.  Court has to give them an extra hand to us that.  They are authorized one computer in office one laptop at home and a free dsl connection.
Pilot Project Electronic Govt
Computer Equipment
4.6 billion in addition to 2.1 billion last year
This is in addition to a whole lot of budget demanded for e-govt. and separate demands by each department for e-govt
Upgradation of PPMI Phase II
Building and Construction
234.61 billion in addition to 178.702 last year
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Purchase of Computer Equipment
604 million in addition to 304 million last year
Plant and Machinery
600 million in addition to 350 million last year
Establishment of Environment Section in Planning & Development Div
Purchase of Transport
2.7 billion in addition to 2.7 billion last year
This amount is just to establish a section in P&D Div
Purchase of computers
102 million in addition to 52 million last year
Social Service Medical Project Agency HQ Bajor
Purchase of Transport
645 million in addition to 470 million last year
Bajor will have a whole brigade of ambulances

Plant and Machine
155 million in addition to 20 million last year
Probably a full fledged by pass capable operation theater
SSM HQ Landiikotal
Purchase of Transport
645 million in addition to 470 million last year
There are a number of more such HQs in the plan.

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