Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ideological Conception, Detrimental Implementation and Vague Future

It has been more than 6 decades this country called Pakistan got its independence from colonial powers. Six decades is a long time, good enough to turn a new born state into a super power.  It is not matter of twisting words or assuming that length of period can be lucrative and fruitful enough as to make a nation superpower, but a fact in the shape of Peoples Republic of China. It is time long enough for a super power like Union of Social Soviet Republics to break, as well.  Unfortunately, Pakistan which was fifth strongest state in the mid 1900’s is standing in the column of those nations who were unable to bear the tremors and toils of time and fell victim to the conspiracies of disintegration.

Analysis of the prevailing situations during the past era, allows it to comfortably deduce that this disintegration was result of our own choices.  “Choice” is not picking up one thing out of multiple options; neither does it mean that it has to be deliberate.  Choice is the state of mind which persuades individuals, groups and nations to adopt a particular option.  “Choice” is the inside fiber of a group which ultimately forms a nation.  The strength of fiber determines the path this band will follow. 

Looking back at the history reveals that atrocities by the colonial regime on the Muslims of subcontinent in connivance with the influential Hindu community led to the formation of Muslim League.  The organization strived to acquire a separate homeland for the Muslims of subcontinent and achieved the objective owing to their sincerity and faithfulness.  But immediately on emergence of this nation these soldiers of nation were surrounded by opportunists, charlatans and hypocrites.  Though the country was desired for the Muslims of the region, but mandate of The Leader was clear that every citizen of this country to practice his or her own religion and allowed to visit the places of their worship without any restriction; may it be Hindus, Christians, Sikhs or Muslims.  Likewise, the dream of sincerest freedom movement leaders was to develop a great and strong Pakistan, second to none.  Though “Second to None” is a very small phrase nevertheless of this fact it engulfs a world in itself. It speaks of their vision with regards to economy, civic sense, welfare, defense, conduct, amenities, technology, sincerity, honesty, faithfulness, unity, discipline and the list is never ending.  It was not only a vision rather practical demonstration of these traits even when subcontinent was still undivided.  Liaquat Ali Khan’s Budget in pre-partition era is a glaring example of what he would have preferred in the independent country he was striving for.  A budget, which defines an economic system for the people and reflecting elements of Islamic Economic System.  A system, where a person, who derives more from the soil has to contribute largest share in the tax collection system.  A budget encouraging control of profit margins at lower levels, so that distribution of wealth and price hike remains under control.  Unfortunately, after the creation of this country ever greedy opportunist resorted to keeping all the wealth among themselves and the term of 22 families came into existence.

The country was forced to implement policies contrary to human values and basic ideology.  Influential people continued to grab the reigns of power and twisted the policies to safe guard their interest at the cost of national interest.  Today we stand at a dilemma which is not economically mendable.   Bank account of few individuals soaring with riches, basic cost of living touching the heights of inflation, amenities taking up face of calamities, rich becoming richer, poor becoming poorer, majority of the country’s population in misbalanced state of mind leading to crimes and suicides, religion being abused and molested for personal / political gains, country trembling under the load of foreign loans and rulers not ready to leave the luxuries of motorcades and red carpets. 

Natural demise of Quid-e-Azam, unnatural departure of Shaheed-e-Millat and usurping of power by conspirators and connivers”; turned the country towards path of confirming Churchill’s words uttered at the time of British Governments’ decision in 1946. “Power will go to the hands of rascals, rouges and free booters. Not a bottle of water or a loaf of bread will escape taxation.  Only the air will be free and the blood of these hungry millions will be on the head of Prime Minister Clement Attllee.

These are men of straw of whom no trace will be found after a few years.  They will fight among themselves and India will be lost in political squabbles.”

In the instable political environment military takeovers were bound to happen, especially when the political figures used influence of uniform to maintain in power.  Each military ruler ended up with high ambitions, but ingratiating natured people were able to mould the flow of action from sincerity towards eccentricity.  In the wake of blindness loyalty towards country turned into self praise and narcissistic approach. Dreams of were woven and all the forces were diverted to make these dreams come true.  The worst part is all these people who succeeded each other and became indispensable, never thought that the graveyards are full of indispensable people.  They forgot that these attempts were being made by Pharaohs, Romans, Mughals, Mangols, etc etc, but none of them survived the decisions of nature and had to surrender to the call from Emperor of the Universe.    

The never ending desire for power to satisfy the ulterior motives of individuals has left the country in the tiff of illiterate, short sighted, hoodlums, hooligans, extremist and goons.  

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Security Policy

Security is one single factor effecting growth, reputation and prosperity of Pakistan. In general blame is shifted on political parties, Afghan Refugees, separatist, Talibans, etc.   There is no doubt that all these factors do contribute to growing lawlessness in the country; yet there are much simpler and easier methods to improve deteriorating law and order situation.
Crime is divided in two main categories namely Personal and Property, both these categories include all elements mentioned above, making it difficult to address the issue effectively. Another perspective of criminal activities with respect to common man depicts three main categories namely Terrorism, Ransom and Street Crime, excluding white collar crime committed by government functionaries and politicians. 
It is important to understand that security situation in Pakistan will never improve without taking remedial measures.  But, inter-relation of crimes with the category of people committing it is so intertwined that it seems difficult to identify the loose end.  As Napoleon said that there is no word like impossible.  A rational approach to the problem surely indicates a way out.  Analytical approach towards security issues in Pakistan reveals that it is organized street crime which is effecting common man.  Terrorism, Kidnapping and Extortion may have larger quantum, yet remains confined to lesser number of people as compared to majority of citizens.  Therefore, the foremost thing is to provide peace of mind to common man and first address the issue which is effecting larger segment of society.
Security of citizens cannot be addressed by treating the symptoms.  To ensure a safe environment for citizens and tourists it is essential to treat the root cause. Most of the crimes take place when environment is conducive. Hence, crime can be considerably reduced and controlled just by denying a favourable environment.
Question arises as to what is an encouraging environment for crimes against common man.  Two places - Very crowded public areas and secluded zones.  Most of the people are subjected to street crimes in most crowded places, especially roads during traffic jams, red light and road blockages.  Roads become idea playground for street criminals when there is commotion, chaos, jams, unwanted pedestrian movement at traffic lights, etc.  Root cause of these congestions is violation of traffic rules, unauthorized parking, walking vendors and beggars. 
Law exists to address all four factors, only implementation is missing; which can be done by local administration, provided they have a will to do that. Safe estimates indicate that 60-70% of street crime and at least 10-15% of heinous crimes can be controlled just by implementing traffic rules and regulations. 
What is stopping us to do that?