Monday, June 13, 2022

Turn Around of Failing Economy

Today, on 9th of Jun 2022; Pakistan is well set on the path of being a failed state, if no concrete corrective actions are taken.  Pakistan’s total external debt stands at PKR 53.3 trillion circa.  As per Monthly Economic Update & Outlook May 2022 by Government of Pakistan Finance Division Economic Adviser’s Wing, current account deficit stands at US$13.8 Billion with Total Forex reserve being US$16.1.  and Inflation touching 13.4%.  In same report following has been concluded under the heading of way forward.

“Pakistan is currently facing several severe challenges: accelerating inflation, high external deficits, exchange rate depreciation, declining foreign exchange reserves and mounting uncertainty. On the other hand, economic growth remains relatively high, but in the presence of macroeconomic imbalances may not be sustainable.

The primary contributors of increasing inflation are the surge in international commodity prices and the massive exchange rate depreciation. In fact, the depreciation of the rupee both against the USD and on a trade weighted basis against the currencies of Pakistan’s main trading partners is primarily reflection of inflation differential between Pakistan and its main trading partners. Further relatively high domestic inflation is compensated by Rupee depreciation. However, currency depreciation itself feeds into higher domestic inflation. In this sense, Pakistan is caught into a vicious inflation/currency depreciation spiral. In the short run a predicament to stop this cycle is to pursue restrictive fiscal and monetary policies, coupled with policies and announcements that restore market agent’s confidence.

In the longer run, Pakistan’s main problems can be solved by designing a credible sustainable future economic trajectory that inspires consumers and investors’ confidence. Economic decisions are based on expectations about the future economic path as well as on the degree of certainty/confidence of development prospects. An important component of such process is supply oriented policies. Pakistan’s propensity to invest is much lower compared to high growing emerging market and developing countries. Accelerating the share of Gross Fixed Capital Formation in GDP would create additional production capacity to meet the increasing demand of consumers and producers. Such supply-oriented framework designed to reallocate the use of national income from consumption to investment expenditures, may be accompanied by suitable demand management policies.

It is disappointing to see this conclusion or way forward, from government experts and economic gurus. First para starts with a paradoxical statement. In solution it is just jugglery of jargons and rhetoric.   In current situation experts are expected to give specific line of action which would translate into positive economic growth. 

All the wizards of subject and media are criticizing governments act but are not proposing anything subtle solution to get this country out of this financial whirlpool.  Government is adamant to take political millage through budget expense, ahead of upcoming elections. Therefore, no good is expected from them.  In such conditions what is the solution?

On one hand economy is not crumbling but melting.  On the other hand, government has proposed a deficit budget of more than PKR 4 trillion. It plans hundreds of official free Hajj, upgrade of camp offices and list goes on.  In such frail economic conditions, it is planning to allocate a large sum towards free laptop schemes and likes.  They appear to be in no mood of reducing expenses. 

Mere reading of financial summary indicates that the country is virtually in a deficit of 100%.  Total reliance is on borrowing which 14% more then the amount allocated for interest repayment.

There is no simple solution to this.  It is essential that both government and public work, in unison to pull the country out of such dire situation; before people are on the streets and total lawlessness engulfs the country.  Where LEAs loses their worth and 220 million are pitched against a few hundred thousand, out of which most are guarding the elite.  Most important of all is avoiding bank run, which can only be avoided through sensible and patient approach by all the citizens.  It has already been observed that people are withdrawing cash and converting it into USD and Gold.  This practice is devaluing PKR by the day.

Focus  of government in this “Operation Resurrection of Economy” should be on reducing budget deficit and increasing tax net. To start with they should look into the aspect of pay and perks cuts for President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Senators, MNAs, MPAs, Judges, Star officers of Armed Forces and Grade 20 & above civil officers.  Reduction of 10% in all heads of expenditure.  Stop all unnecessary international travels and where necessary bare minimum participants should travel and that too in an economy manner.  No HiFi hotels and motorcades at destinations, enjoy local cheaper food. 

Referring to taxing high salaried individuals mentioned in monthly report; it is quite deceptive as against the actual budget.   Irrespective of high salary threshold, increased fuel and utility charges and devaluation of PKR has effected each salaried individual adversely.  They have lost buying power by almost 30-35%.  Further taxation will be a killer effect whereby their take away home will reduce, while inflation still stands at 13%+ or above.  Contrary to monthly report by Finance division, which proposes budget also, a reduction in taxes for individuals can be observed.  This change of mind appears to be politically motivated in anticipation of any forthcoming elections.

Solution to gather more tax is not taxing those who are willingly or unwillingly paying full tax on their income.  Idea is to increase the tax net.  Let’s take example of “Chai Khanas”.  Most of those are owned and operated by people from a neighbouring country which has been very ungrateful to Pakistan.  They are using infrastructure of this country without contributing a single penny in terms of income tax.  Yes, our police and local civil administration does get a subsistence on regular basis.  Clad in rags and torn shoes operating these chai khanas 24/7; these individuals are paying rents as high as 200,000 per month and almost same or more amount as gratification; yet encroaching footpaths and roads. Many won’t believe but their income is estimated 250,000 to 300,000 per day per establishment, much higher then any of so called high salaried individuals.  Such establishments need to be taxed, which in common terms known as grey economy.

To increase tax net, all transactions above PKR5000 (limit can be set at lower level) be made through banking channel, compulsorily.  In order to make physical transaction more difficult, currency notes worth PKR 500, 1000 and 5000 be removed from circulation.  Bank accounts of all citizens above 18 years should be opened, National Bank can play a vital role, if private banks face difficulty in doing that.  Heavy turnover tax for non-filers be imposed. 

Controlling inflation by increasing interest rates has never been able to deliver desired results.  It only ends up pushing up inflationary pressures.  At the end, effect of interest is always passed on to the end consumer. Instead, interest rates should be reduced and criterion for offering loans for industrial setup should be made more stringent and followed strictly.  Controls should be placed in to negate any advantage taken by people in power corridors, thus ensuring no write off takes place.

The concept of supply and demand is one of the main driving factors in price hike. Measures to curtail price hike due to this particular reason is extremely necessary to keep inflation low. Likewise, capitalistic approach of maximizing margins is another factor in price hike.  Both these factors play vital role in increasing Gini coefficient.  Glaring example is of banks which declare

Currently, government price control mechanism is very primitive and imprudent.  It is restricted to basic food commodity items and subsidy through utility stores at retail level or imposing government defined rates for daily commodity.  This methodology is unsustainable and irrational.  It is a burden for the government in shape of subsidy and loss for the retailer, provided they follow government rate list.  Price control should be done at source to ensure inflation remains under control. This control is not possible unless industrialist/producers are made to comply with bookkeeping laws and restricting profit margins When prices are controlled at source level inflationary pressure can be reduced. Concrete efforts can even take the country into negative inflation.  This in no way indicates a communist or socialist approach, but Islamic approach of fair profit and payments. Capitalistic approach is to hoard money, by few, as the system allows investors to earn unrestricted profits.  Failure of capitalist system started since 2008 and has been fluctuating since then.  World economy will not gain sustainability unless capitalist approach is rationalized and channelized.  As far as Pakistan is concerned everyone has to develop content and adopt austerity.  Each business must lower their profit margins in order to counter inflation.  It is matter of survival which takes priority on saving for future. Inflation is a vicious circle, increase in price of one commodity increases dependent products prices multifold.  Fuel is the ideal example increase in fuel prices increases price of everything and with higher ratio.  It is because product or service provider increases the margin to ensure higher profits and cater for increased expenses in associated area.  This cycle can only be reversed if ALL involved restrict their margin.  They have to convince themselves to adopt survival mode.  A prudent approach indicates increase in crime and lawlessness when have nots are pushed against the wall.  One should not forget French and Russian revolutions.  Peeping back in history reveals that an Estates Generals and Monarchy exists in our political system which is the reason for  economic disaster of this country too.  Seed of antidisestablismentarianism has already been sown, in no time crop will be ready to harvest.

These are some measures which can be taken in short term.  In long term government should look into the aspects of delinking PKR from USD and linking it to Gold. SBP has to build a gold reserve and declare PKR value against Gold.  Excess currency note printing has to be halted and PKR – Gold parity to be maintained at all cost when issuing additional currency notes.  Incentives should be offered for people who bring in Gold for selling to SBP without making international remittances. Share from Reko Diq should be taken in terms of Gold rather then PKR.  This will help increase State Bank gold reserves making PKR stronger progressively.  In not more than two years’ PKR will compete with any of the strong currencies of the world.  This improvement will always be resisted by exporters, but in long run their production cost will reduce and their market competitiveness will be maintained.

Facilitation of taxpayers by offering them incentive like post-retirement medical facilities in commensuration of their past status held and tax amount contributed.  Systems in place at Canada, Germany, Norway, etc can be explored to develop a viable solution for Pakistan. Reducing human interaction while filing and assessing tax returns.  Government has invested heavily in IRIS and yet tax officials want people to personally visit rather than taking advantage of technology to save time and money.

This generation must suffer either way.  It is our choice between IMF or self-reliance. IMF slavery will be for all future generations too, other option will give our future generations a free and prosperous country. Cost is sacrifice of our never-ending race for the seven sins.




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